Not published yet.
Comparing fair market and assessed value in Madison
American Community Survey one-year estimates show commute mode share remains stable
Comparing pre-post data in Madison, Wisconsin
Do better bike networks lead to more bike commuters?
Pedestrian fatality data from 2001-2021 and how the time of fatal crashes varies over the day
A quick look at households with 4 cars or more.
From 67 to 15 F overnight??
Can Strava Metro data in Madison be a good indicator of overall bike traffic?
Mapping population growth since the 2020 census
Where did bike commuting grow, where did it shrink.
How long does it take Madisonians to get to work?
Places that start with "bad" (but not "badger"!)
Some maps and charts of 2015 and 2019 LEHD data
A look at several indicators of how many people biked (and took other means of transportation).
An R package for National Transit Database data
Some quick charts for Madison and how it compares to other US cities
Comparing transit accessibility with the r5r package
A comparison of Madison Metro ridership data released in the National Transit Database at different points in time.
Building age, property use, and architectural styles in Madison
Using `knitr` and `RMarkdown` for formatting form responses
A quick look at crash data to support efforts to no longer allow right turns on red.
Making a map of this year's season
What colors are most represented in the road names of Dane County?
Challenge 15: Food/drink
5-minute isochrones around Metro Transit bus stops
Working from home has seen an unprecedented boom, while biking stagnates.
Using R, {msgxtractor}, and R Markdown to wrangle a set of msg files
A look at housing permit data over time.
Comparing how far you can travel by bus, bike, and e-bike in Madison, before and after the bus network redesign
A quick time series chart of Metro ridership going back to 2002
A follow-up on a post on Metro bus boardings per stop in Madison (WI)
Using R, the rtweet package, and GitHub Actions to automate weekly tweets about traffic safety
What the locations of past crashes can and cannot tell us about future crashes
Policymakers proposed criteria for a where a shelter for homeless men in Madison (Wisconsin) could and couldn't go. This post uses public data to visualize these criteria, showing that in the end the resolution would have meant that the shelter can't go anywhere.
Web scraping and text analysis of the Society of Social Studies of Science's 2021 annual meeting panels.
How precincts voted about the questions whether Madison Alder should be a full-time job and how long terms should be
The `tidycensus` package got an exciting new function
What are the racial demographics of Madison's aldermanic districts
LODES provides origin-destination data for connecting work and home. This article looks at patterns in those flows in Wisconsin, and especially in Madison
Commute mode share by minority status and income
Using the `mapdeck` package to visualize Metro Transit bus boardings in Madison (WI)
A look at the 2020 Multimodal Local Supplement Awards in Wisconsin to assess how multimodal they really are
A follow-up post on zoning and density in Madison and how it compares to other cities in the US.
Recreating a _New York Times_ analysis of how much of Madison's residential areas only allowed single-family detached homes